Monday, November 24, 2008

Finally, some pictures!

I'm sitting in my host sister's bedroom with her laughing about the things some exchange students say. I'm really happy here and happy that I had the opportunity to come, and some other people we know only have complaints! (Sucks for them hahaha)

So, I was thinking about Lapland and how I am really excited that I'm going again, this time with just my AMAZING sister and some friends :) Hopefully we'll stop in Oulu again, that was so much fun! (You guys know what I mean ;)) We're going to Levi, which is even further north than Äkäslompolo, the place I went last time! It's still kind of long until we go, (February) but I am so exited for it still :)

So today, Sofia came over and Hanna, Sofia, and I baked a trial batch of joulutorttuja (a finnish christmas pastery) to see if they would be good enough to bring to Mona's party. They're kind of nice for a party, but it's Pikkujoulu (Little Christmas) so we need good Christmas food!

This new paragraph is being typed a half hour after the last one because we went to walk the dog and run through the woods :) I wish the pictures showed how beautiful it is in the woods with so much snow, but they don't do it justice AT ALL! Here are some pictures anyways:

These are from the first snow, about a centimeter I think!

These are from cooking:

and these are from the snow now!

Mormor's (Swedish for grandma) birthday was last week, and here are some pictures from it. She was in the hospital and ditched that place for her birthday and then against the hospital's wishes she spent the night at home, in her comfy bed! (What a rebel :)) But hei, you only turn 86 once!


Darling Mother said...

It's so beautiful to see the snow and also to see the things you are doing! I can picture you there now. No, the other exchange students are not my independent Ella!

Marc Vincelette said...

god youre lucky. i crave snow. ..SO looks so great. all f the snow up here is all slushy all the time cuz of global warming....

Anonymous said...

Hello, niece! Are you eating in Finland? You look so skinny in your pix. So, I'm officially very jealous of the beautiful snow, the amazing historical architecture and the cool things you're doing. Oh, and the sauna! I need a sauna now ;) So, it's Thanksgiving and your loving family is continuing the tradition of bickering, with your mom and Brian is the lead in the categories of volume and energy expended. Ahhh, the holidays. I know you must miss it. That's all for now, nice blog, kid 8)

Ellen said...

haha Uncle Rob? Why is your name "Brianrj90"?
I like the holidays here too, my host family started baking christmasy things and it is comforting! I miss you a LOT though! ahahha 'kid' thanks old man!