Saturday, November 1, 2008

First blog

Well, as of now, I've been in Finland for 2 days shy of 3 months.

Here are some little things that are different than in the US:

  • Light switches
  • Doorknobs
  • Door mats in stores
  • When you walk into a school or building, there's a bump where the door is when it's closed that I tripped over for weeks.
  • Houses rarely have fitted carpets, just a few area carpets.
  • The level of water in the toilet
  • There are trees EVERYWHERE, I live in a suburb but it looks like it's in the woods because they don't cut down trees unless it's absolutely necessary (like exactly where a house would be built)
  • When you buy produce at the grocery store, you but it on a scale, push whichever number you're supposed to for that food, and a price sticker comes out that you put on the bag with the food in it. Nifty.
  • You have to pay for grocery bags, they're really sturdy though
  • There is public transportation

I'm going to get ready to bike now, but I'll try to catch up more later tonight.

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